World Cup football- more than just a beautiful game

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  1. Ending sexual violence – we must all act

    Published 14th December 2018

    The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign ran from 25 November to 10 December and it is designed to raise awareness and spur institutions, governments, ordinary citizens into action to bring an end to violence against women and girls. Campaigns of this nature remain vital especially when the perpetrators of sexual violence know […]

  2. Peace in South Sudan?

    Published 6th July 2018

    “My family was taken inside.There are 7 people in the family. They [government soldiers] closed the door, then they started putting the fire. They started burning the house.” These are the words of John Janoub, a displaced South Sudanese man whose family was burnt alive in an attack allegedly led by government soldiers in 2016. […]

  3. Consequences of impunity

    Published 16th March 2017

    Impunity has long lasting and severe consequences. South Sudan, Africa’s newest independent state, is a prime example of this. South Sudan has been plagued by challenges for several years and the recently released UN Commission Report on Human Rights in South Sudan depicts a devastating and grim situation. Whilst there are many explanations for the […]